From the book: "Universal Principles of design" by Lidwell
There are many topics on design, a few that strike me most of interest, was Legibility, Similarity, and Color.
Legibility: How clear and easy it is to read something on the screen.
Similarity: to have things on the site similar to each other, like certain shapes and colors.
Color: A spectrum of light visible to the human eye ranging from red to purple.
For my portfolio I managed to incorporate these 3 themes to it, and this is how:
The text and the title are completely legible. The body text I put it in a complete block of white and kept the font black, because it's the most contrast you can get out of the text without having any form of distracting colors. For example, if would be easier to see:
Black on white, or White on Black. Rather than, Green and Magenta, Blue or yellow, or red and cyan.
[ Snippet of my portfolio's home page ]
[ Snippet of my portfolio's Headder ]
Even though the headder does in fact have a background behind it, the text is still bold enough, and stands out enough to be read as "CID106 - Anthonely."
The portfolio utilizes a form of colored blocks in the backgroud, which keeps a similarity to my micro blog and blog. The blog being colored stripes and the micro blog being circles. This one uses squares.
[ The background image for the portfolio ]
If it isn't obvious enough to see, there Is a lot of color at work here.
On the blog, all the entries are boxed into a while block which can be easily read. As well as the text, it can still be told apart from the background, even though there is no text block under it.
[ A snippet of the blog ]
It holds the similar theme with the site, the body text is kept inside a white box just like the portfolio, and the background is something that involves colors and shapes.
[ A snippet of the background ]
The color scheme for this blog isn't so universal like the portfolio, in fact it has a warmer color scale, ranging from Purple to red.
Micro Blog
Twitter doesn't really give much control on the layout of the site, therefor everything is held where it is, but at least for when it comes to customizing the color of text, keeping the background color for the blocks white, with the black text.
[ A snippet of my twitter ]
Here the theme for twitter is several colored circles, so it maintains that color style but instead of squares and lines it's circles.
[ The background to the twitter ]
As it has been in displayed in the others, it all utilizes color, giving a similar form or theme.
And that is how I implied Legibility, Similarity, and Color from The Universal Prin of Design to my Site, Blog, ad Microblog.